Corona Dreams: Part III
Scrabble & Dreamz
Word Games for Lucidity
It is not an obvious lucidity trick, but I have come to believe that word games — and especially Scrabble™can be a great training tool for lucid dreams.
Our dreams work with words and language, representing them with symbols, signs and composite images.
The Ancient Egyptian people conceived a many-layered language system that utilised word play and punning, or paronomasia, to the max and this is the way we dream. This is the true language of dreams. If we could get hieroglyphic Scrabble™ boards this would be extra epic.
Our minds are tuned for making connections, for pattern recognition and sense-making, Scrabble™ and other word games, fine tune these abilities and can help you become self-aware in the dream state.
You know when you’re playing Scrabble and you’re looking at your letters with a sort of soft-focus and you know there is a word there but you’re not yet consciously aware of what that amazing seven-letter word is…
That déjà vu kind of a feeling of unconscious knowing is a pre-cursor to lucidity in the dream state and the practiced waking experience of it can help remind you that you are dreaming.
Perhaps, when you play a game of Scrabble™ you are also more conscious than you might suppose, of the combination of words of the board. The arrangement of the words may unintentionally work their way into a dream story. It is the sort of thing human minds do.
So here is an exercise for you. Play Scrabble™ before you go to bed. Photograph the completed board and compare your dream journal in the morning.
If you don’t have a lock-down Scrabble™ pal — may I suggest the Internet Scrabble Club — I am Sopdet22 if you fancy a match.
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